Technical Guide: Extracting Telemetry Data from Caterpillar Equipment – Part 2


Technical Guide: Extracting Telemetry Data from Caterpillar Equipment Welcome back to our journey into telemetry at GroundHog. In Part 1, we explored our evolution from software development to engaging with maintenance teams and the pivotal role telemetry data plays in this transformation. We discussed the significance of diagnostic ports in heavy equipment and the use […]

Technical Guide: Extracting Telemetry Data from Caterpillar Equipment – Part 1


Technical Guide: Extracting Telemetry Data from Caterpillar Equipment Our Journey into Telemetry When we started at GroundHog , our expertise was firmly rooted in software development for mining companies. Our flagship product was (and remains) our Short Interval Control and Fleet Management System, a tool primarily utilized by Operations Teams at mines. However, as our […]

Optimizing Maintenance: Key Metrics to Maximize Equipment Performance


With the rapid expansion of the mining industry and rising competition, companies are continually pressured to boost production while significantly reducing operational costs. As we all know, mining productivity heavily relies on equipment performance, making it crucial to measure equipment efficiency. The equation is simple: “When a machine is running, it makes money; when it […]

Mobile Equipment Safety Program


Over the years, in the mining industry, there have been dozens of fatalities and hundreds of injuries involving mobile equipment. Unfortunately, there have already been 5 mobile equipment related fatalities and dozens of injuries in 2024 and the year is only half over.  In an effort to improve miners’ safety around mobile equipment, the Mine […]

Recognizing Hazards using Written Procedures


People often say that mining is a dangerous industry, but I think a better description would be that it is a hazardous industry. When you look in the dictionary, “dangerous” means “able or likely to cause harm or injury.”  “Hazardous,” on the other hand, means “involving or exposing one to risk.” Yes, in mining, there […]

Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of an Underground Miner


In this detailed exploration, we delve into the intricacies of an underground miner’s day, shedding light on the rigorous efforts and challenges they encounter in fulfilling their vital work. Commencement: Preparation and Readiness An underground miner’s day begins in the early hours of the morning, as they meticulously prepare themselves for the arduous day ahead. […]

OSHA’s Crane Operator Requirements


In 2018, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) began enforcing the requirement that all crane operators in the Construction Industry need to be nationally certified. Although this is an OSHA regulation (1926.1400 Subpart CC), many mines also require crane operators working on their property to be certified operators. This has become a best practice […]

Short Interval Control Training: Best practices to transition from paper-based systems to Digital.

Short Interval Control Training

Short Interval Control Training is key to transition a mine from traditional paper-based Short Interval Control (SIC) methods to digital systems in mining operations is a strategic move towards improving efficiency, safety, and decision-making. This process involves several key steps and training initiatives to ensure a smooth shift: Initial Assessment and Strategy Development The transition […]

Navigating Challenges in Conventional Drilling: A Collective Exploration


At GroundHog, our commitment to continuous improvement and collaboration drives our pursuit of solutions for the unique challenges presented by the drilling process. We extend an invitation to our esteemed customers and industry experts to share insights, fostering a collective approach to finding innovative solutions. Addressing Challenges for Safety, Productivity, and Efficiency Drilling operations inherently […]



On December 6th, the Mine Safety and Health Administration held the final quarterly stakeholder’s call of 2023. The quarterly call is a great opportunity to hear a summary of what has happened in mining health and safety for the previous quarter and what MSHA is working on for the upcoming quarter.  Assistant Secretary Chris Williamson […]