Open Pit Mining Fleet Management System

Our State-of-the-art Fleet Management System uses AI based scheduling algorithms and the best-of-breed technology with off-the-shelf hardware to increase tons mined per shift, faster and safer.

Open Pit Fleet Management System

GroundHog FMS is a state-of-of-the-art Fleet Management System used to continuously monitor and maximize performance of a mine’s fleet.

The FMS is built for your primary production fleet of Shovels, Excavators and Haul Trucks (dumpers) and also includes support for auxillary equipment such as water trucks, graders, lighting towers and 40+ more types used at mine sites.

The system runs on algorithms and technology infrastructures used at companies like Uber and Facebook and is deployed on standard iPads and Android tablets. Interfaces are super intuitive for miners and dispatch operators.

Data collection is automated through a variety of sensors, on-board equipment telemetry and high precision GPS units with configurable geo-fences. The FMS stores data locally and transmits it to the GroundHog cloud using Peer-to-Peer, LoRa, WiFi and Cellular networks

GroundHog has established relationships with a wide variety of OEMs and after-market sensor makers including payload, tyre pressure, weighbridges, load scanners, drills and others.


GroundHog Open Pit FMS uses Open APIs that easily integrate with 3rd party mining software providers, including SAP, ArcGIS, Mine Planning and Short Interval Control software, Drill and Blast, and others.


GroundHog FMS is part of the GroundHog Platform that includes the GroundHog Short Interval Control, Real-Time-Location-Tracking System, Peer-to-Peer Networking System, Telematics, IoT, Material Management, Digital Environmental, Health and Safety and Learning Management Systems.

Open Pit Fleet Management

open-pit fms ops center remote operations center


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How mines use GroundHog's
Open Pit Fleet Management System

open-pit fms

Increase Haulage Efficiency using Intelligent Dispatch:

GroundHog’s intelligent Dispatch System allows mine Dispatchers to improve routing and run their mine on auto-pilot. Advanced AI based algorithms use real time loading and haulage performance data at each loading point to dynamically allocate Haul Trucks to Shovel/Front Wheel Loaders so mines can:

This results in a dramatic reduction of shovel and haul truck queuing time and and increase in Productivity and Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

GPS and Telematics based Automated Trip Cycle Analysis

Mines use a combination of GroundHog’s Telematics and the tablet’s built-in GPS modules to continuously track the time spent in each phase of the LHD cycle. Context sensitive algorithms use the data from the GPS and the Telematics modules to determine the current state of the machine – whether it is hauling, dumping, traveling, waiting or is just idle/parked.


Automated Trip Cycle analysis without using any operator removes the possibility of operators gaming the system. Data is clean and is used for making data-driven decisions for dynamic dispatch, equipment allocation and also mine planning. This results in a dramatic increase in tons-mined-per-day.

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Increase Situational
Awareness and Operator

GroundHog’s LIVE-MAP and Speeding Alert capabilities are available on all the Operator and Supervisor Tablets. The LIVE-MAP shows the locations of all equipment on a mine map with the most recent drone images. Operations teams configure speed limits for various zones in the mine. Operators get visual and voice alerts when they exceed the speed configured in each of those zones thereby enhancing situational awareness and increasing operator safety.

All speed violations are reported to supervisors and safety trainers so operators can be given appropriate feedback. Operators also use GroundHog tablets to perform pre-start equipment inspections and workplace exams so maintenance and safety teams have the most up-to-date reports at all times. This results in a dramatic increase in situational awareness and opertor safetey.

Proximity Detection and
Collision Avoidance

GroundHog integrates with preferred partners for state-of-the-art proximity detection and collision avoidance systems. The systems are configured to apply brakes when the equipment comes into a potentially ‘unsafe zone’ and automatically comes to a complete stop when the two pieces of equipment come into the equipment’s ‘danger zone’.


All such unsafe zone incidents and near-miss incidents are logged and sent to supervisors, superintendents, safety teams and mine management so those teams can design and implement engineering and administrative controls to continuously improve safety at the mine. This results in a dramatic increase in safety.

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Streamline shift changes,
re-fuelling and breaks

GroundHog’s Telematics system continuously monitors current fuel levels, fuel consumption rates, miles-to-empty for every vehicle. GroundHog combines this with data at the fuel stations to prioritize fuel stops to minimize the possibility of queuing at the station while also ensuring that no haul truck disrupts production with an empty tank. The system also recommends break times to minimize impacts to production. This results in better utilization of available production time – for both equipment and operators.

Manage Stockpiles:

Mines can easily track material flow from each bench to a stockpile or to the hopper to meet a mill’s blend plan. Drill operators scan sample bags for tighter integration between GIM and Fleet Data so material gets routed to the correct locations at all times. GroundHog is used to track the lineage and grade of each ton that went into a stockpile and also when that ton was put into a hopper so the mill always gets the blended grade it needs to maximize production and minimize instances when the mill gets shut down Production planners and mine superintendents use this information to prioritize mining activity in each shift. The result is a better control over grade and stockpile inventory.

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SIC On-Boarding




GroundHog SIC
Greedy autoallocation

Plug-and-Play Mine
Digitization Software

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GroundHog Logo



The world’s Largest Mines
use GroundHog
