Groundhog Apps

High Precision Digging

mines use GPS

How Mines Use GPS for Unstoppable Efficiency: 5 Powerful Benefits

Starting in the early 90’s, Mines use GPS in a wide variety of ways. While technological advancements have played a crucial role in enhancing operational efficiency, safety, and productivity, GPS is one innovation that has revolutionized the way mines use


Discover the Best Choice: RTK or GNSS for Optimal Mine Performance

RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) are both widely used technologies for utilizing GPS in mining operations. While they share the common goal of providing accurate positioning information, there are important differences between the two approaches. RTK:


Unlock 99% Accuracy: RTK High Precision GPS Ensures Perfect Grade Control and Compliance to Mine Design

RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) High Precision GPS technology comes is primarily used to achieve centimeter level precision in the mining industry – this is mostly required for when mining in heterogeneous strata where grade control is very important. It is also

See GroundHog in Action

We invite you to request a tailored demo of our platform. Our team will provide a personalized walkthrough, showcasing how GroundHog can meet your specific needs and answer any questions you may have.

Why Request a Demo?

  • Get a Customized Walkthrough: Experience how GroundHog can be tailored to fit your unique operational requirements.
  • Learn from Our Team: Engage with our experts, ask questions, and explore features that align with your interests.
  • Find Solutions: Identify ways GroundHog can help overcome your operational challenges.

We look forward to demonstrating how GroundHog can transform your operations. If you have any questions before scheduling your demo, feel free to reach out to us at Let’s work together to enhance your operations!