Mining Dashboards and Reports for instant insights with Power BI

Unlock the power of your Data!!!
The Ultimate Power Reports for Mine Managers and GMs
GroundHog Mine Supervisor App
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Iterate, rinse and repeat with Power BI
Mining Dashboards built by GroundHog
Dashboards and reports are the building blocks you need to have confidence that your teams – from mine planning to ops, maintenance and safety – are working together to execute to your mine plan, profitably and safely.

Our pre-built dashboards and reports can be quickly deployed and modified to the way you mine so your mine planning, geology, ops, maintenance, safety, and the mill all use the same data sources and analyis for collaborate analysis and impactful decision-making.
GroundHog Power BI Reports and Dashboards for Mining

Use world-class data science to generate actionable ideas that optimize your equipment’s productivity, maximize efficiency, and cut spending on fuel & consumables. Leveraging the power of ML and AI as competitive business drivers the hard-hat companies can:

GroundHog is a Microsoft Power BI Partner​
Mining Dashboards with Power BI