
5 Ways People Track Their 5000-23s: #2 Folders/Binders

The second method commonly used to track 5000-23s is more an evolution of the first rather than it’s own independent process. However, it comes with its own pros and cons that are worth their own article. Folders/Binders can be a great way to achieve slightly more of the organization that is possible with digitizing while not having to implement a new system.

Managing 5000-23s, with Physical Organizers:

If you’re going to manage an entire mine’s 5000-23s, sooner or later, you’ll need to find a better solution than just paper. For many mines, the natural next step is a better paper system. This means an organizational overhaul that ends with detailed filing systems and probably a lot of color-coding. This will absolutely help to eliminate the risk of losing important documents that comes with an ordinary paper management system, however, the task of organizing 5000-23s and other forms into binders or folders can be tedious and oftentimes still not achieve the desired results. 

The Disadvantages of Folders/Binders:

So you’ve gone through the trouble of organizing every 5000-23 and form in to folders and binders. You probably won’t be losing forms like you would be otherwise. Now you’ll just have to deal with the fines that come with lapses in training when caught by MSHA. One thing that your binders can’t do is automatically notify you when training is going to be expiring soon. They also can’t fit in the pockets of operators. When an auditor shows up in the mine, miners can’t keep track of their own training and present digital 5000-23s.

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