
The One Tool Every Mine Needs for Their Task Scheduling and Tracking

Scheduling is hard, it’s even harder when you’re doing it for a mine full of employees. Even harder yet, when you’ll more than likely need to adapt the schedule as the day progresses. If you’re doing things without the help of any additional technology, this will be a nightmare. Thankfully, there is one tool, groundHog FMS, that can make your scheduling a breeze. At the same time, groundHog FMS ensures that your mine intensity is kept at a maximum. In today’s blog we’ll take a look at how you should be using groundHog FMS in your mine to boost and revolutionize your scheduling and tracking.

Dynamic Task Management:

We built groundHog FMS’ Dynamic task management with production goals in mind. Managers/Supervisors create task schedules and assign them. The task schedules are then delivered directly to operators via the groundHog FMS mobile app, the mobile format allows for quick updates throughout the day and fine tuning based on data received by management. These adjustments that occur mid shift mean that no time has to be wasted by miners who don’t know what they need to be doing.

Real-Time Shift and Material Data:

Delays can be a huge productivity killer. That’s why groundHog FMS automatically identifies delays and other critical items. Then groundHog FMS notifies supervisors, and in turn allows for swift adjustments and corrective action. Additionally, groundhog FMS tracks the locations of all physical assets to reduce wasted time hunting down equipment and minimize deviation from the operating plan.

Automated Task Categorizing:

groundHog FMS automatically categorizes tasks by shift, activity and location. This quick organization can make dynamic task updates throughout the day run significantly smoother by allowing smart scheduling which reduces both the downtime and underutilization of equipment and personnel.

To learn more about groundHog FMS or to sign up for a free demo today, Click Here.


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